The *Annotated* Taming: Or, Out of the Saddle, Into the Dirt

Photos by Melissa Blackall


Librarian, Caitlin Farrington
Katherina, Kaylee Pomelow
Bianca, Katie Monteleone
Widow, Bethany Okezie
Curtis, Mairead Farrell
Petruchio, Joe Mariani
Grumio, Ben Whitestone
Lucentio, James Lindberg
Tranio, Andrew MacDonald
Hortensio, Kelsey Book
Baptista, Tom Oldham

The *Annotated* Taming: 
Or, Out of the Saddle, Into the Dirt
adapted from the Shakespeare by Toby Vera Bercovici
Songs by Emma Ayres and Sam Perry
Produced by Colby College Department of Theater and Dance

Direction, Toby Vera Bercovici
Stage Management, Gabriella Foster
Assistant Stage Management, RaQuion Braxton
Scenic Design, Daniel Bilodeau
Costume Design, Christine Nilles
Lighting Design, Jim Thurston
Sound Design, Catherine McCurry
Assistant Sound Design, Jay Huskins
Technical Direction, John Ervin